2020's Milestone Streetwear Collection
Fashion, Graphic Design
Strongly inspired by contemporary trends based on gradients and geometric shapes, I idealized “2020’s Milestone”. The brand relies on these resources to build an observation towards the year of 2020, that would initially suggest optimism and perfection with its symmetrical composition. However, these ideals were transformed with the months pass, and certainty became uncertain. I chose “Future” and “Success” as main concepts for this reflection, adding more of a postmodern, not so idealized view.
College project created in 2020.

The typographic exploration was one of the most ambitious steps of the project, as I had decided to take inspiration from the “36 Days of Type” challenge. That decision pushed me to elaborate different designs for the letters while testing their compatibility with each other, which resulted in numerous steps forward and backwards, until the results pleased me.
Beside the creation of the letters, I assembled the fonts Halogen Bold and Technique Sans to the typographic set.

Brick Wall photo by Shon Ejai on Pexels

During the typographic exploration, I also elaborated a logo to the collection, that represents the fluidity and uncertainty 2020 depicted.
The logo was broadly used in other elements of the collection, such as stickers, bottoms, and even a graffiti piece on the side of a building, alluding to the urban atmosphere São Paulo trasmits.

For the design of the prints, my main references were Serge Poster, Stefy Loret, Martin Naum and the Acid Graphics trend.

A simulation of the packaging process of the pieces of clothing was made, once more with the presence of the stickers.

Photo by Camilla Carvalho on Unsplash
All mockups involving outdoor areas or models were made out of photos from the websites Pexels and Unsplash, whose credits were properly given in which of the pictures. Although toilful, I believe that option reflected the most rightly the urban feature and is able to highlight itself from ordinary mockup applications.

Photo by Michael DeMoya on Unsplash

Photo by Jannis Lucas on Unsplash